It was a pleasure joining the OpenIDEO Team for a fast, yet deep 3 week sprint project. Right from the get-go Alex and Chelsea provided a quick on-boarding session and off to the races we went. We worked with Gavi - an international organization that was created in 2000 to improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest countries - to bring together deliverables for an Innovators Workshop held onsite in San Francisco. Deliverables included: 55 page Innovator Catalogue to overview the first 2 days // Workshop Welcome Guide to highlight the Workshop on day 3. Workshop Assets: Name tags // Postcards and Reflection Cards // Journey Mapping Worksheets // Keynote Presentation // 3 large oversized boards for visuals and interactive purposes. Absolutely loved working with the OpenIDEO Team and hope to do so again in the future. *Awesome illustrations by Erika Diaz Gomez